


A board of community volunteers governs the association and organizes programs and exchanges. Board members’ professional affiliations are noted, but they do not officially represent these organizations.

Scott Heinlein
Vice President
    Sandy Marvinney

      Hong Ma


     Qingqing Miao


Immediate Past President
      Michael A. Craig


Board of Directors

Jim Bainbridge
(Business Owner/Consultant)

Annette Bernier
(University of Washington)

Kirk Chia
(Real Estate)

Michael A. Craig
(Retired Business Owner)

Jim Dawson

Scott Heinlein
(Washington China Center)





Hong Ma
(University of Washington)

Sandy Marvinney

(Freelance Writer/Editor)

Qingqing Miao

Robert Pong
(Wine Exporter)

Marilyn Raichle
(Event Planner)

David Reid
(Seattle University)








The Board of Directors meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 7–9 pm at a private home in NE Seattle. We welcome anyone interested in China and sister city activities. If you would like to attend a meeting, please contact President Scott Heinlein.

For information about SCSCA and our programs:

Scott Heinlein
Cell:  206–299-8587

Mailing Address:      SCSCA
                                 6703 21st Avenue NW
                                 Seattle, WA 98117


 Copyright © 2012 Seattle Chongqing. All rights reserved.